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Mustering your forces

Mustering your forces

Resin printed miniatures are a great way to add diversity to your forces. Unique sculpts for commanders and heroes, to vary the poses found in a squad or regiment, or to remind us of older miniatures that are no longer in production, re-imagined with modern technology.

Fields of Mars has many personal armies, ranging from skirmish games to mass-battles. Some are fully composed of traditional miniatures from retailers, and others are entirely resin-printed, bespoke forces. Some are an even mix of the two, combining sculpts and poses and characters based on our personal preferences.

The only real limit is your imagination!

We recommend starting out small, with a regiment and a hero or two. Get a feel for the detail and quality of premium resin prints, paint them up, and see where your imagination takes you. Your force should reflect your tastes, preferences, and approach to battle.

Our current project is an undead force for rank-and-file games, using miniatures printed by us alongside out-of-print metal sculpts as well as modern plastics from well-established miniature makers. We’ll be sure to share some pictures, and would love to see your projects too!

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