Barion Pixel

Gaming systems

Game Systems

Though many of us are avid painters, and see each miniature we work on as an opportunity to push our skills and learn something new, it is true that many of us paint with the intention of gaming.

Whether that takes the form of a small force to learn the basics of a game, a lovingly painted warband with a compelling backstory, or a mighty force able to lay low any foe, they all occupy a special place for us.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of game systems we have explored, and that we enjoy. Of course, the sky’s the limit in terms of how you choose to enjoy your hobby, and we’d love to hear how you have been making the most of your hobby time!


A classic from a bygone era, spoken of in nostalgic tones by veteran hobbyists and with such an engaging concept that even over 20 years after its release, this warband-based skirmish campaign system is one we can never get enough of. There’s nothing quite like seeing a lowly henchman claw his way to the rank of fearsome hero through the luck of the dice, and of course we never forget seeing a terrifying vampire meet his end at the hands of a humble skaven with a sling. 

Currently, all available materials (to our knowledge) can be found for free on the excellent Broheim page. We would love to hear about your escapades in the city of the damned!

Warhammer Armies Project

The brainchild of Mathias Eliasson, the Warhammer Armies project has risen to great prominence as of late thanks to the efforts of channels such as Squarehammer and Mountain Miniatures. The core concept was to take the most flavourful elements of classic Warhammer fantasy and merge them, seeking to strike a balance between faction viability and the wild randomness of The Old World we so enjoy. 

This is very much a “living system”, with an active discord and a creator that frequently tweaks and fixes things based on community feedback. All resources can be found below.

The Ninth Age

Born in the ashes of the End Times, this system aims to provide a basis for rank-and-file fantasy games that draws on the aesthetics of The Old World, but with a focus on competitive play and balance. For generals who wish to pit their skills against one another, we absolutely recommend giving it a go!

Their “quick play” pack allows you to pick up the basics and get a feel for the playstyle of each faction in an especially easy-to-approach manner.

Age of Fantasy

This system, created by One Page Rules, is set in a realm similar to The Old World, but with an emphasis on accessibility and a low barrier to entry in terms of getting to grips with the rules. The saying “easy to learn, hard to master” is absolutely true of this system, and it is a great way to entice new players into the hobby.

Warhammer Fantasy

For those of you who still have your old tomes, well-thumbed through and held in a place of privilege on your shelf, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from dipping your toes into that nostalgia, or sharing it with newer hobbyists who are only familiar with The Age of Sigmar. We are particularly keen on the wild experiences that games using the 3rd or 5th edition rules can provide!