Winged Hussars

Winged Hussars

In stock

24,00 66,00 


Winged Hussars are the elite of the knightly orders of the Empire. The arrival of these iconic forces can lift the spirits of the most beleaguered defenders, smashing the foe where they are strongest and inspiring the regular troops to acts of heroism.

All miniatures are provided in a 32mm scale, and are compatible with standard “fantasy” base sizes.
All products are fully cured and safe to handle. Some minor residue may remain from the cleaning process. We recommend cleaning them with warm, soapy water and a toothbrush prior to assembly and painting. For more information Click here
Models are supplied unassembled and unpainted. Superglue is necessary for assembling resin miniatures. For more information Click here
Models are supplied without bases. For a range of round and square bases, including plain and sculpted options, Click here

Additional information


Hand weapon, Spear

Unit composition

Just the command, Just the unit, Unit + full command
